Engineering Design Online Conference 2023

21 Jun 2023 | 14:00 - 15:00

Learn how to excel your engineering and advance your businesses productivity, output and design capabilities. Plus, overcome & eliminate common Engineering Design issues including: System crashing and freezing, errors, slow assemblies, lack of CAD control and system clarity.

This design session is open to all industries and is relevant for all. Register now to learn more about best performing design tools and what they can achieve in industry.

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What is this event about?

Explore the latest 3D Design advancements, across all industries, at the Engineering Design Online Conference 2023.

This year there has already been, and will be many advancements in Engineering. More specifically, in Engineering 3D Design. Everything from new design features that can speed up product modelling time by 5X, to CAD that is crash-proof and won’t slow you down during product development.

This event will showcase and explore how Engineers can accelerate their product development process and overcome & eliminate common Engineering Design issues that millions of people have been impacted by daily, for years, including:

Design platform crashing/blue screening
Large Assembly Management crashing/delays
Lack of Design data cohesion
Lack of a CAD & PDM pathway

The event is custom and will be of interest to anyone using CAD/Design platforms at present. If you work in any of the following sectors, this webinar will be a great fit: Heavy equipment, Agriculture, Mining, Marine, Auto, Aero, Energy (EV, Renewables (Solar, Wind) and Oil & Gas), Consumer product & retail, Electronics/Semiconductors, Construction & Medical.

The first 10 registrations will receive a free Engineering digitalization session (worth £3,500) that helps companies understand where their biggest gains in engineering productivity are.  Sessions run from June – September 2023. **These sought after sessions are only valid for companies with a UK presence and only registrants can access this.

This event is open to ALL UK Engineering companies, across all industries.


Who is it for?

This webinar is for; All Engineers, Managers, Technical Directors, C-Level Executives and anyone who has an interest or input in product engineering.

Engineering Symposium Webinar


What we'll cover in the Webinar

How to overcome System Crashing

Best In Class Design practices (Foundation and advanced)

Controlling Large assemblies: Fast & easy

How to import and work with a foreign CAD file with ease

Synchronous Technology in action

Growing your Engineering Output & Productivity methods you can take to learn more about advancing your own Designs


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