Solid Edge FloEFD Webinar

28 Apr 2021 | 14:00 - 14:45

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What is this event about?

Embedded CFD simulation for fluid flow and heat transfer analysis

Simcenter FLOEFD for Solid Edge supports flow simulation with an embedded CFD simulation tool for easy, fast and accurate fluid flow and heat transfer analysis. Fully embedded in Solid Edge, FLOEFD enables design engineers to frontload CFD, or move simulation early into the design process where it can help examine trends and eliminate less desirable design options.

FLOEFD for Solid Edge is especially well-suited for use during the design process as it reduces overall time to a solution by as much a 65-75 percent compared to other CFD tools. The award-winning FLOEFD automates the most onerous CFD steps and helps engineers to immediately prepare and analyze their Solid Edge models.

Join this webinar to discover how the software could be implemented and excel your business.

Who is it for?

This webinar is for; Engineers, Designers, Engineering Directors, Managers, Project Managers.


What we'll cover in the Webinar

Fluid body creation from native Solid Edge CAD data

Automated, accurate, fast and easy meshing

Robust solver for highly complex geometry

Intuitive user experience

Guided problem setup

Visualization tools

Integrated parametric study and design comparison functionality

Fully integrated preprocessor, solver and post-processor


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